Thursday, December 16, 2010

We're Now on Facebook!


According to Elder Nelson in October's General Conference, "Now in this day of the Internet, there are new and exciting ways you can do missionary work. You can invite friends and neighbors to visit the new Web site. If you have blogs and online social networks, you could link your sites to"

In our continued efforts to keep everyone apprised of activities, needs, and other things pertaining to Relief Society, we've decided to stay a little current and get a facebook page. We know you're on it and if not, now's the time. So click the link in the left column and like us. This will do many things, but most importantly you will be notified of upcoming activities every time we post it. So join us in the online fun.

In addition to the above comment about the positive uses of the internet, Elder Nelson also issued the following challenge: " On you can create your own personal profile. Each profile includes an expression of belief, an experience, and a testimony."

Whether you have a family blog, a personal website, or simply a facebook page, use this wonderful technology to share the gospel! How will you use it to bless your life and the lives of others?

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